New way to notify
Push Notifications project
The new service will propose opt-in and opt-out notifications, which will be delivered on devices of any flavour through live notifications, and access to a notifications hub where all notifications will be made available along with subscription options.
The service will provide easy-to-use APIs to receive notifications from existing services, facilitating the integration. The system will then aggregate all the information and deliver to the end user according to his personal choice.
Notifications delivery will happen via different communication channels according with the user preferences. Those can be on the desktop, mobile (via SMS or push notification) or e-mail based summaries that will include groups of notifications.
The University expert will significantly contribute to the development and roll out of this system to production. He will be responsible to incrementally improve an initial prototype developed by experienced members of the IT-CDA group with expertise on web, mobile and infrastructure deployment.
Strong emphasis will be given on the development of the core component of the system (notifications hub) which is based on Python running on OpenShift. It is aimed to develop a complete and redistributable solution by giving preference to open source technologies and frameworks.
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